Our Lighthouses

We need you! Your support and help with our project can become a key to the future of Bowspirit Kids. Become one of our "lighthouses". How does it work? Use your talent for a good cause.

Our lighthouses have already been exemplary advocates for Bowspirit Kids. Learn more about them and their motivation.

Saskia Barre, Finn Oschmann, Christian Najjar & Hartwig Aberger …

... thank you for the excellent and creative collaboration during the development of this website and the technical implementation of the "world's largest floating pinboard".

Elke Thompson …

… is a graphic designer and extracted the image of Bowie from Michael's brain and designed our logo. Further to this Elke is also an author of books and motivation speaker.

Ferenc Husta …

… is a professional voiceover artist and lent us his voice for our image videos.